I Will Never Be The Same
Ellen, Florida USA
A lady came to my first in-person Spirit Lifestyle class a while ago and we had amazing, identical words from the Lord concerning things to come written in our own personal journals. As I was sharing with the class she was confirming them! She has since experienced powerful deliverance through connecting with a Spirit Lifestyle online class who prayed for her after that. I have seen absolute transformation for her whole family. Her teenage daughter has lost her rebellious spirit and has all new friends. She brought her family here to stay for a place of refuge from an abusive marriage, all her children said ‘it’s so peaceful here and we are not being attacked by evil spirits anymore’. During Saturday’s class session last week she received deliverance prayer for a spirit of infirmity and she had covid. She projectile vomited something weird and it all left her immediately! She went from coughing and really sick to normal in a minute. She is very powerful in ministry and in the Lord. She has many Old Testament style miracles she has experienced through her life. After seeing all of this I will never be the same! Thank you Jesus!