God’s Plan!
Shelly, Texas USA
I wanted to share something powerful that happened yesterday.
Shortly after my Spirit Lifestyle class was over, I thought about going to a local store to pick up a small wreath for a fall decoration that needed something as an adornment. One of my class members came to mind to ask if she’d like to go with me. Keep in mind that my plan was to pick up one item, so for me to ask someone to go with me is not something I ever do! She said that she would love to go, so I picked her up and we went to the store.
I’ve been wanting to get to know her a bit more, so I thought that I’d use this time to do just that. I also have been wanting to introduce her to our other SL coach, Eva, who lives nearby, so I put that out there as a possibility to pop by her house and have a surprise visit, which we decided to do.
We dropped by Eva’s with the intent of staying just for a few because I knew that Eva was still on the clock for work. She had some time to visit for a bit, so we enjoyed visiting and getting to know each other even more. Then Eva invited us to sit for a while in her living room, while we carried on with our conversation. We decided to hold hands and pray about something that was mentioned, and while we were praying, I felt nauseous. I knew from what we have learned here at Spirit Lifestyle that this could mean that someone needs healing and to step into this and ask. I knew to ask our new class member if she was feeling nauseous, and she said that she felt a pain in her stomach. I began to release the power of Jesus to heal the pain in her belly, and she began to manifest. Eva and I both looked at each other and knew that this was not going to be a standard opportunity for healing.
Well, the surprise visit turned into a four hour deliverance session! Many demons manifested and she was delivered and set free from so many things!!! God had a plan, and He surprised us in return for being obedient to His Will – I did not see this coming, but God did! He knew that she was ready to receive what He had for her, so the anointing was there 🕊 Eva and I had the Host of Heaven backing us to help this woman of God be free from many things that have afflicted her since she was in her mother’s womb. Praise God in Heaven above!
May this post encourage you to step in and be bold, in Jesus’ name! He knows who is ready to receive what He has for them. His LOVE backs everything we do in obedience to His call ❤️ Thank you, Jesus for loving us through the messiest of our messes! Thank you, Lord for setting captives free!!!
(Originally posted on our Spirit Lifestyle Community Page)