God Is Good!
Elisha, Michigan, USA (Spirit Lifestyle Coach & Hub Rep)
Thank you so much to the Spirit Lifestyle team for praying for us, our first in person session went well! My husband and I rented a space and didn’t know who would show up for it. But there were several people who came. We shared our personal testimonies and how God has been moving in the Spirit Lifestyle online classes and the Miracle Hub.
We were trying to get a feel of how to run the session, we both taught together. Then we prayed for people with depressions, anxiety, and there was a lady who was angry at God for the lost of her 10 year old son She sent a testimony the next day saying that she felt the spirit of grief lift off of her and has been in so much peace since prayer! There was a 15 year old girl who said as I prayed with her she was filled with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
It was so great. We didn’t ask for giving but several people gave monetarily, and it was the same amount we need to rent the venue if we are to do it again. We are planning to just go for it every Thursday evening as long as possible. God is so good!