Freedom At Work

Noemi, Spain (Coach and Hub Rep)

On Wednesday when I entered the dance school where I work I greeted the receptionist and she began desperately to tell me that she had a lot of pain in her shoulder at night. The pain was so bad that she could not sleep without medicine and that they would probably have to do infiltrations and spend a lot of money. I don’t know what to do about that, she told me. Also that she had a lump in her throat that they would have to operate and remove.

The fun and supernatural thing is that the Holy Spirit had already been talking to me about her the previous weekend while I was praying, I had seen what the Father wanted to do! He told me that she has a prophetic and singing gift! That she is a believer, but that she had searched for God in the wrong ways and that the shoulder pain was for a spiritual open door related to witchcraft.

After I asked her about witchcraft (which she totally denied) however, she told me that she prayed to two virgins and that she cured headaches and stomach aches. (In Spain it is a ritual called ‘looking at the seat’!). So I explained to her that that was the door! That idolatry is the same hierarchy as sorcery. And give this up. That God wanted to use her in his own way with his power!

I could see how his call was totally misrepresented by the enemy. I see her singing and prophesying with great authority! I prayed with her in a quiet place at school and she confessed to Jesus as Lord, she renounced witchcraft and got rid of all the elements of the ritual. Except for a statue that she still did not want to throw away but kept in a drawer. You will throw it away, I said (haha!). She has been able to sleep without taking the medicine! Thank you Lord!

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