Dream Leads To Baby Breakthrough
Helen, UK (Coach)
I know a Christian lady who was married at 36. She had always said she would love to have children; but an announcement of pregnancy never came. A friend of mine found out by accident that she had had an ectopic pregnancy which also caused the loss of one of her fallopian tubes. She was now over 37. I prayed for her to have a baby then later that day a book advert popped up when I was on the Internet. It was called Supernatural childbirth. I bought a copy for her but then didn’t dare give it to her as I didn’t know how she was feeling.
A couple of months later, I had a dream. I was able to interpret it after watching all your videos. Basically it said to tell her everything was working, but it wouldn’t be straight forward. I saw lots of blue in the dream. I wrote it all down, it was very detailed but it’s too much to share here. The next morning I gave her the book and the dream. She was overwhelmed. The evening earlier they had decided after 3 further miscarriages to stop trying. I told her I would keep praying.
I asked the Lord how to pray and He said ‘Ruth’. I knew instantly what He meant. Ruth in my class has some amazing testimonies about praying for ladies to get pregnant. She has a anointing for it. I asked Ruth to pray and we agreed together as in Matt. 18.
I dreamed again two weeks later that she was telling people she was pregnant. It was Christmas in the dream. I have just had a wonderful email from her that she is indeed 16 weeks pregnant and it’s a boy 💙💙. Praise God amazing things happen when you follow his leading!
How can we understand the dreams we dream? In this extract Jim McLaughlin lays out a foundation for dream interpretation and gives some guidance as to how to begin listening to our dreams. Watch the series and discover much more at SpiritLifestyle.com