Be Blessed Today!
Shelly, Texas, USA
Hey Spirit Lifestyle family 💗
I thought that I’d share with you what the Lord put on my heart to share on social media this morning. May this bless you, as your posts always bless me!
Last week, I went to Hobby Lobby (a large retailer in the US). I wanted to pick up a few items to give as gifts, as a thank you from my heart for the love that the recipients had shared with others in a Spirit Lifestyle class that I had been a part of. I felt a strong urge to go there, so I went.
As I was walking through the parking lot, an elderly lady was headed to place her cart in front of the store. I noticed that she was limping and it timed out well for me to offer to take her cart for her. She eagerly took me up on my offer.
I felt compelled to say “Can I pray for you?” with such assurance, boldness, and power in those words. I knew that God was behind this divine appointment and I literally felt as though I was planted on a rock solid, firm foundation. All of this was registering with me when she said “I just left my husband’s gravesite, where I fell head forward, while trying to clean up around his headstone”. She continued talking about how ridiculous it was and how a group of teenagers offered to assist her.
I wound up ministering to her and talking to her about her husband, who had passed two years prior. I encouraged her to stand on any scripture that she might know, such as “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want”, and she immediately replied “That was my husband’s favorite scripture!” I responded “He loves you so much and he is so happy!”
She shed a few tears, and I felt a strong urge to ask her if I could hug her, which she allowed. I bear hugged her, then prayed for healing for her knee, before we parted ways.
I say often that God is on the move, y’all!! He is moving and He is blessing, spreading love through those who love Him. We are to be His hands and feet! He’s the beauty in the midst of this prickly and most challenging world.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:15-16
“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength and with all of your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27
Have a blessed and most beautiful day! You are loved beyond measure!!!